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Internal Control System Design article

Internal Control System assessment and design

We can assist management of a company to design the practical and costs efficient internal control system to safeguard company’s assets, enhance efficiency and ensure that the operations are in compliance with the policy prevailing in the company, related laws and regulations. The Internal Control System Design Services will be particularly designed to serve clients’ business operation. Our practice greatly benefits clients having numerous functions and outlets, diffused locations and branches, and insufficient times or skill in monitoring business operations.

We can also assess existing internal control systems to point out internal control weaknesses and propose our recommendations. Particularly, for a company preparing to go public (listed in SET), a letter of representation about effectiveness of internal control is required by SEC in order to grant an approval. 

Our recommendation will be based on professtional experiences considering size and type of business, efficiency of the operations and available budget.

Audit Services

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Internal Audit Services article

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